Sunday, October 19, 2008

Unesco: World science Day for Peace and development 2008

Well, even after more than 80 days waiting for french visa and tolerating the consequences of uncertainty in our life, we do not have any response from French embassy. I invite the people that may have similar problems to be prepared for such situations. That is why I divulge the situation that we are passing.

We are strongly convinced that: The solution is not to sit down and dream with the trivial (in particular radical) solutions.
Unfortunately, due to such visa restrictions, we see a significant number of third world scientists that are choosing the trivial solution of confining theirselves in their own ambients (which can be in eastern or western countries).

I invite every one to see the 2008 Unesco's World science Day announcement
or its previous celebrations and ask to contribute for putting the abusive Visa restrictions as a serious problem to be discussed in such opportunities. I strongly believe that an organization like ICSU (International council for science) or TWAS (Third world academy of science) should debate much more about help mechanisms (which has a wide spectrum) to the researchers of third world with circulation obstructions.

Ali Tahzibi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali! I totally agree with you: instead of getting 'reclusive' (and not attending conference in USA and/or Europe), it would be better for a cientist from a developing country to attend such conference and (e.g.) start their talks with a speech on these Visa problems discussed here.


